Ministerial department seeks actuarial secondee

The ways in which a GAD trainee actuary combined analysis, actuarial skills and financial modelling are explored in this blog about work in policy areas relating to indemnity and patient safety.
The ways in which a GAD trainee actuary combined analysis, actuarial skills and financial modelling are explored in this blog about work in policy areas relating to indemnity and patient safety.
The importance of context in disaster risk financing is one of the main lessons learned while working as an actuary at the Centre for Disaster Protection. In this blog read about how actuarial skills are a good fit when it comes to understanding ways to manage risk through financial mechanisms.
In this blog we look at the impact of global climate change. In 2022 we saw devastating floods impacting an estimated 33 million people in Pakistan, wildfires causing destruction across Europe, and temperatures in the UK reaching more than 40°C.
Local authorities spend millions buying insurance, while central government departments retain their risks. Why is this - and is there a better way? Read the insights and opinions of a GAD actuary who's also a director of the Local Government Mutual.
Liability Driven Investment, or LDI, is a way of investing that by convention gives a multiple exposure to gilts. Recently it's been a challenging time for corporate defined benefit pension schemes that had LDI. Read our blog to find out more.
We explore the importance of the Bank Rate, or base rate, as a tool for the Bank of England to control inflation. This base rate is just part of the Bank of England's role in maintaining monetary stability and overseeing the UK's financial functions.
Tips and reflections from the HR team about how to succeed in a job interview at GAD. Read on for more information about nuggets of knowledge and interview techniques.
We look at how GAD is supporting the work of the government’s National Situation Centre. Actuarial skills provide timely data, projections and analysis so that the most informed decisions are taken in a crisis.
In this blog the Deputy Government Actuary Colin Wilson examines growing calls for the government to appoint a Chief Risk Officer. He looks at these and other calls for reassessments as to whether the UK is sufficiently prepared to address extreme risks.
Climate change is at the fore of sustainable finance which can be thought of as the integration of environmental, social and governance factors into lending and investment. This blog investigates the challenges around these issues.