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The vital role of Quality Assurance in pensions calculations

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Analysis, Pensions, Pensions administration
Man standing at a windwo overlooking a cityscape. Behind him are the words 'Quality Assurance'. Credit: Shutterstock.

Robust quality assurance (QA) processes are a crucial tool for administrators to help mitigate calculation and administrative error. This blog explores what QA is, the benefits to schemes in undertaking QA activity and some strategies schemes could implement to improve QA in their schemes.

Unlocking the power of data: transforming pension schemes for the digital age

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Analysis, Data science, Pensions, Pensions administration
Unlit lightbulb pictured against a dark background, and surrounded by fluroescent blue lines. Credit: Unsplash

A robust data strategy is crucial for pension schemes in the digital age. Effective strategies enhance efficiency, member experience, and compliance. Learn how to avoid pitfalls such as data silos and poor quality, and embrace innovations like pensions dashboards, to unlock your data's full potential.

Uncertainty in climate analysis

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Analysis, Climate change, Risk management
People sit at a table pointing to a large document on which is written the words climate change, flood, heat wave, erosion, smog, flood, toxic and disaster. Credit: Shutterstock

As the effects of climate change become more obvious, there is a growing urgency to understand climate-related risks and how they might evolve. Here we look at the uncertainties associated with future climate change; from the emissions pathways we might take to how climate processes are modelled.

Strengthening actuarial practice through collaboration

Exterior of Bayes Business School. The building is made of light coloured stone with rows of rectangular windows. There is a red bus on the road in front of the building, near a bus stop.

We work with Bayes Business School, which celebrates 50 years of actuarial teaching and research. Professor Kyriakou blogs about our successful collaboration.

The value of parametric insurance in the event of climate disasters

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Analysis, Climate change
Three men, one with a bike, and an elderly woman, stand in brown rushing flood water in a street. Behind them are tuk-tuks, and cars. Credit: Dibakar Roy Unsplash.

The African Risk Capacity (ARC) organisation marks 10 years of providing rapid prearranged finance following extreme weather events and GAD works with ARC and others. In this blog we look at the use of parametric insurance to deliver support to the most vulnerable areas of the world.

Inflationary benefits, inflationary risks

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Analysis, Inflation
Close up of man's hand as he holds a credit card towarsds a card reader which is being held by a woman who is blurred out

2023 started with inflation at highs last seen in the early 1990s. While inflation has been falling it remains above the Bank of England’s target. In this blog we consider the drivers behind inflation, why those drivers may lead to more volatility than we experienced throughout the 2000s, and the risk posed by deflation.

Data and the pensions administration journey

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Analysis, Data science, Pensions
Man standing looking at a mountain which is covered in snow. The image is taken in the early evening as the sky is a darker blue and some stars are visible, along with the moon.

When it comes to pension schemes, how do we achieve operational sustainability, solve the administration dilemma and make the journey easier? In this blog we reflect on the steps schemes can take to lighten the load imposed by poor data, leading to increased automation levels and more engaging digital offerings.