Strengthening actuarial practice through collaboration

We work with Bayes Business School, which celebrates 50 years of actuarial teaching and research. Professor Kyriakou blogs about our successful collaboration.
We work with Bayes Business School, which celebrates 50 years of actuarial teaching and research. Professor Kyriakou blogs about our successful collaboration.
In this blog, we look at the long legal journey the government undertook, with GAD in a supporting role, considering the legal fall out on the costs of the McCloud judgment.
In this blog we look at investment governance, the framework which guides investment decisions. It is especially significant in GAD where we work on the detail of investment analysis with clients as well as overarching policy that determines how an investment strategy is set and monitored.
We work with the International Social Security Association (ISSA). In this blog, GAD Senior Consulting Actuary Chris Morley talks about his visit to the forum for ISSA technical commissions (TCs) in Geneva. The ISSA is the world’s leading international organisation for social security institutions, government departments and agencies. In March 2023 he was appointed as Vice-Chair of ISSA’s TC for Statistical, Actuarial and Financial Studies.
GAD supports the Zambia Workers' Compensation Fund through its actuarial valuation of the Fund every 3 years. In this blog we look at what this involves - such as a valuation of liabilities and assets, and an assessment of contribution rates employers pay.
“Net zero” has become a buzz phrase for climate-conscious companies over the past few years and has also infiltrated the world of investing. However, when it comes to investing, net zero targets are perhaps not the saviour that they seem to be in the corporate world. Find out more in this blog.
The ways in which a GAD trainee actuary combined analysis, actuarial skills and financial modelling are explored in this blog about work in policy areas relating to indemnity and patient safety.
The importance of context in disaster risk financing is one of the main lessons learned while working as an actuary at the Centre for Disaster Protection. In this blog read about how actuarial skills are a good fit when it comes to understanding ways to manage risk through financial mechanisms.
Earlier this month the DWP announced a 'reset' of the Pensions Dashboards Programme. But connection, and the technology required by schemes to connect, remains just one part of preparing for pensions dashboards. This blog focuses on one of the other vital elements to dashboards success - matching.
GAD's work includes advising government around pensions for public sector workers. There are lots of details associated with these types of pensions, and actuaries have an important role in helping employers and policymakers understand these details. Read this blog to find out more...