GAD supports the Zambia Workers' Compensation Fund through its actuarial valuation of the Fund every 3 years. In this blog we look at what this involves - such as a valuation of liabilities and assets, and an assessment of contribution rates employers pay.
The ways in which financial assistance can be allocated to countries in need are discussed in this blog. GAD actuary Andy Jinks reflects on his first year on the Governance Committee of the Start Ready organisation.
Local authorities spend millions buying insurance, while central government departments retain their risks. Why is this - and is there a better way? Read the insights and opinions of a GAD actuary who's also a director of the Local Government Mutual.
GAD actuary Tejas Dholakia shares his experiences of participating in GIRO - a major actuarial conference on general insurance.
Pandemic bonds transfer pandemic risk from developing countries to the financial markets. The capital raised is reserved for responding to pandemic outbreaks. In this blog we look further into what pandemic bonds are, how they work and what happened when COVID-19 occurred.
We look at the different aspects of insurance in the public sector, as it applies to local authorities and national government, and the associated impact of the pandemic.